Sentences Starting with Yet | Yet at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

10 Sentences Starting with Yet

Here are the Yet at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples:

Yet at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

1. Yet another opportunity presents itself for us to succeed.

2. Yet, we haven't found a solution to the problem.

3. Yet, I haven't finished reading the book you recommended.

4. Yet again, he proved himself to be a reliable friend.

5. Yet, there is so much more to explore in this world.

6. Yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

7. Yet another day passes without any progress being made.

8. Yet, the results of the experiment remain inconclusive.

9. Yet, he hasn't apologized for his behavior.

10. Yet, there is a glimmer of hope in the midst of darkness.


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