10 Sentences Starting with Why | Why at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

10 Sentences Starting with Why

Here are the examples of sentences starting with "Why" word:

Sentences Starting with Why

1. Why did you choose to pursue a career in medicine?

2. Why is it important to practice good hygiene?

3. Why did you decide to move to a different city?

4. Why are you interested in learning a new language?

5. Why do you enjoy playing musical instruments?

6. Why did you start your own business?

7. Why is it crucial to protect the environment?

8. Why do you believe in the power of education?

9. Why is exercise important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

10. Why did you choose to volunteer for that particular organization?

11. Why do you find joy in helping others?

12. Why is it necessary to have a balanced diet?

13. Why did you decide to pursue a degree in engineering?

14. Why are you passionate about advocating for social justice?

15. Why do you value spending time with loved ones?

16. Why is it important to set goals and work towards them?

17. Why did you choose to become a teacher?

18. Why do you believe in the importance of lifelong learning?

19. Why is it essential to practice good financial management?

20. Why did you choose to pursue your hobby as a career?


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