10 Sentences Starting with Whether | Whether at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

10 Sentences Starting with Whether

Here are the examples of sentences starting with "Whether" word:

Sentences Starting with Whether

1. Whether it rains or shines, we're going on our hike.

2. Whether you like it or not, change is inevitable.

3. Whether he wins or loses, he always gives his best effort.

4. Whether she agrees or not, I'm going to pursue my dreams.

5. Whether we go by car or train, we'll reach our destination.

6. Whether they accept the offer or not, we'll move forward with our plan.

7. Whether it's hot or cold, I always enjoy a cup of tea.

8. Whether you believe me or not, the truth remains the same.

9. Whether we succeed or fail, we'll learn valuable lessons along the way.

10. Whether they come early or late, we'll be ready to welcome them.


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