10 Sentences Starting with When | When at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

10 Sentences Starting with When

Here are the examples of 10 sentences starting with "When" word:

Sentences Starting with When

1. When I woke up this morning, the sun was already shining.

2. When I was a child, I used to love playing in the park.

3. When it rains, I like to stay indoors and read a book.

4. When I saw the breathtaking view from the mountaintop, I was speechless.

5. When I'm stressed, I find solace in listening to calming music.

6. When the clock strikes midnight, it's time to celebrate the New Year.

7. When I eat chocolate, it instantly lifts my mood.

8. When I saw her smile, it brightened up my day.

9. When I visit my grandparents, we spend hours chatting and reminiscing.

10. When I hear my favorite song, I can't help but sing along.


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