30 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences | Simple Present Tense Sentences

examples of simple present tense

The simple present tense is used to describe actions or events that take place habitually or regularly. It is also used to talk about general truths or facts.

30 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences

1. I always walk to work.

2. She never takes the bus.

3. They regularly play basketball on weekends.

4. He often drinks tea in the afternoon.

5. The birds chirp loudly every morning.

6. She always wears a smile.

7. The sun rises in the east.

8. He never forgets to call his mother.

9. They frequently visit the museum.

10. The cat sleeps in the sun all day.

11. I regularly attend yoga class.

12. She always brings a book to read on the train.

13. They occasionally play video games.

14. He frequently listens to music while working.

15. The plants need water every week.

16. She always wears her seatbelt.

17. The river flows through the town.

18. He never leaves the house without his keys.

19. They regularly have lunch together.

20. The dog barks at the mailman.

21. I always eat a healthy breakfast.

22. She never skips her daily workout.

23. They often go on hikes.

24. He regularly watches the news.

25. The moon changes phases every month.

26. She always says please and thank you.

27. The stars shine brightly at night.

28. He never leaves a tip.

29. They frequently play cards on the weekends.

30. The wind blows strongly in the desert.

30 simple present tense sentences


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