Example Sentences with Wonderful | Make Sentences with Wonderful

sentences with wonderful

Wonderful means inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration.

Example Sentences with Wonderful

1. The feeling of accomplishment is wonderful.

2. The taste of fresh fruit is wonderful.

3. The first snowfall of the season is wonderful.

4. A good night's sleep is wonderful.

5. It's wonderful to learn new things.

6. A warm hug from a loved one is wonderful.

7. The scent of a rose is wonderful.

8. It's wonderful to be appreciated.

9. The feeling of the soft sand under my feet is wonderful.

10. The taste of a home-cooked meal is wonderful.

11. It's wonderful to be in love.

12. The sound of children laughing is wonderful.

13. The feeling of the wind in my hair is wonderful.

14. A good book is a wonderful way to relax.

15. The colors of a sunset are wonderful.

16. It's wonderful to feel needed.

17. The taste of chocolate is wonderful.

18. The smell of a campfire is wonderful.

19. It's wonderful to have a sense of purpose.

20. The feeling of a cool breeze on a hot day is wonderful.

21. The sound of birds chirping is wonderful.

22. The taste of ice cream is wonderful on a hot day.

23. The feeling of being surrounded by art is wonderful.

24. The smell of a fresh bouquet of flowers is wonderful.

25. It's wonderful to have a sense of belonging.

26. The feeling of accomplishment after a hard day's work is wonderful.

27. The taste of a crisp apple is wonderful.

28. The sound of a crackling fire is wonderful on a cold night.

29. The warmth of a cozy blanket on a chilly day is wonderful.

30. It's wonderful to be appreciated for who you are.

example sentences with wonderful


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