Example Sentences with Unique | Make Sentences with Unique

10 example sentences with unique

unique means being the only one of its kind, special, unusual, or distinct. Something that is unique stands out from others and is not like anything else.

Example Sentences With Unique

1. The language spoken in that village is unique.

2. Her name is quite unique.

3. He has a unique sense of humor.

4. The dress has a unique pattern.

5. The building's architecture is unique.

6. Her talent is truly unique.

7. The story has a unique plot.

8. The technology used in this product is unique.

9. Their proposal has a unique approach.

10. The sculpture is a unique piece of art.

11. The city has a unique culture.

12. The hotel has a unique ambiance.

13. Her perspective on life is unique.

14. The wine has a unique flavor.

15. This artist has a unique style.

16. The book has a unique perspective on history.

17. His skill set is unique in the industry.

18. The landscape is unique in its beauty.

19. This song has a unique melody.

20. The gadget has a unique feature.

21. Her fashion sense is quite unique.

22. The museum has a unique collection of artifacts.

23. The website offers a unique user experience.

24. The scientific discovery is unique in its implications.

25. The idea is unique and innovative.

26. The monument is unique in its architecture.

27. The food has a unique blend of flavors.

28. The film has a unique visual style.

29. The brand has a unique identity.

30. His teaching style is unique and effective.

example sentences with unique


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