Example Sentences with Small | Make Sentences Using Small

10 example sentences with small

Small is an adjective that is used to describe something that is little in size or quantity, or has a relatively low degree of importance, significance, or influence. 

Example Sentences with Small

1. The house has a small porch.

2. The shop has a small selection of products.

3. The boat is small but efficient.

4. My town is small and quiet.

5. The font on this website is too small.

6. The car has a small gas tank.

7. She has a small role in the movie.

8. The book has a small font size.

9. The package is small and light.

10. He has a small collection of books.

11. The town has a small population.

12. The dog is small but fierce.

13. The store has a small aisle.

14. The apartment has a small kitchen.

15. The gym has a small weight room.

16. The plant has small leaves.

17. The toy car is small and easy to carry.

18. She has a small amount of experience.

19. The meal was small and unsatisfying.

20. The conference room is small and cramped.

21. The small child needs help tying his shoes.

22. The cake is small but rich.

23. The camera has a small lens.

24. The closet is too small for my clothes.

25. She has a small frame for her height.

26. The company has a small budget for marketing.

27. The town has a small library.

28. The insect is small but deadly.

29. The music venue has a small stage.

30. The article had a small mistake in it.

30 example sentences with small


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