Example Sentences with Semicolons | Make Sentences with Semicolon

10 sentences with semicolons

A semicolon (;) is a punctuation mark that separates two closely related independent clauses. It is often used in place of a period or a coordinating conjunction to show a closer relationship between the two clauses.

Example Sentences with Semicolons

1. She's a talented artist; her paintings are amazing.

2. I'm going on vacation next week; I can't wait to relax.

3. The restaurant was really busy; we had to wait for a table.

4. He's a good student; he always turns in his homework on time.

5. She's an amazing athlete; she's won several awards.

6. I'm not feeling well; I think I need to go to the doctor.

7. The weather was perfect; we had a great time at the park.

8. She's an incredible singer; her voice is beautiful.

9. I'm going to the library; I need to return some books.

10. He's a talented musician; he can play several instruments.

11. I'm going to the gym; I need to work out.

12. The concert was sold out; we couldn't get tickets.

13. She's a wonderful friend; she's always there for me.

14. I'm really tired; I think I need to go to bed.

15. The traffic was terrible; we were stuck for hours.

16. He's an experienced teacher; he knows how to engage his students.

17. I'm going to a party tonight; I need to buy a gift.

18. She's a great dancer; she always steals the show.

19. I'm really hungry; I need to eat something.

20. The play was really entertaining; we laughed the whole time.

21. He's a successful businessman; he's made millions.

22. I'm going to the store; I need to buy some clothes.

23. She's a talented designer; she creates beautiful clothes.

24. I'm really bored; I need to find something to do.

25. The game was really exciting; it went into overtime.

26. He's a skilled craftsman; he can build anything.

27. I'm going on a trip; I need to pack my bags.

28. She's a talented actress; she's been in several movies.

29. I'm really thirsty; I need to get something to drink.

30. The book was really interesting; I read it in one sitting.

example sentences with semicolons


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