Example Sentences with Problem | Make Sentences with Problem

10 example sentences with problem

Problem refers to a situation, issue or obstacle that is difficult to resolve and impedes progress or success. It can refer to a challenge or a hindrance that requires a solution or a remedy.

Example Sentences with Problem

1. The problem with the car won't start.

2. I have a problem with my phone.

3. The problem with the city is traffic congestion.

4. She has a problem with her back.

5. The problem with the project is lack of funding.

6. We have a problem with the roof.

7. The problem with the computer is a virus.

8. He has a problem with his eyesight.

9. The problem with the meeting is the schedule.

10. We have a problem with the water supply.

11. The problem with the plan is implementation.

12. She has a problem with her weight.

13. The problem with the company is management.

14. They have a problem with the air conditioning.

15. The problem with the school is overcrowding.

16. He has a problem with his hearing.

17. The problem with the team is lack of communication.

18. She has a problem with her ankle.

19. The problem with the system is outdated software.

20. We have a problem with the internet connection.

21. The problem with the garden is lack of sunlight.

22. He has a problem with his knee.

23. The problem with the performance is lack of preparation.

24. She has a problem with her skin.

25. The problem with the design is aesthetics.

26. They have a problem with the electrical wiring.

27. The problem with the project is lack of direction.

28. He has a problem with his blood pressure.

29. The problem with the book is its content.

30. We have a problem with the plumbing.

example sentences with problem


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