Example Sentences with Nice | Make Sentences with Nice

10 example sentences with nice

Nice refers to something pleasing, attractive, or kind. Here are 30 example sentences with the word "nice":

Example Sentences with Nice

1. It's nice to get away from the city for a while.

2. She gave me a nice compliment.

3. He has a really nice car.

4. I think it's nice to spend time with family.

5. The view from the mountain was nice.

6. The new restaurant has nice atmosphere.

7. The dress you picked out looks nice.

8. It's a nice day for a picnic.

9. You did a nice job on your presentation.

10. That's a nice piece of jewelry.

11. Your new puppy is so nice.

12. I think it's nice to receive unexpected gifts.

13. It's always nice to get a good grade on a test.

14. That was a nice thing you did for him.

15. She has a nice singing voice.

16. It's nice to live near the beach.

17. Your garden looks so nice this year.

18. He's a nice person to talk to.

19. The movie we saw was nice.

20. It's nice to be appreciated.

21. Your new home is so nice.

22. The meal was really nice.

23. That's a nice gesture you made.

24. It's always nice to see the sun shining.

25. Your artwork is very nice.

26. He has a nice collection of books.

27. The park is always a nice place to relax.

28. Your new shoes look nice.

29. It's nice to make new friends.

30. The new park is very nice.

example sentences with nice


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