30 Example Sentences With Important | Important in Sentences

10 example sentences with important

Important refers to something having great significance, value, or worth. It is often used to describe something that is necessary or crucial for a particular purpose or outcome. For example: "Good health is important for a happy and fulfilling life."

30 Example Sentences With Important

1. Water conservation is important to save our planet.

2. It's important to maintain a balanced diet for good health.

3. Reading is important for personal growth and education.

4. The captain's speech was important to motivate the team.

5. It's important to stay focused during a test.

6. Sleep is important for the proper functioning of the body.

7. It is important to maintain good hygiene.

8. The weather report is important to know what to wear.

9. It's important to be polite and respectful to others.

10. Safety is important when driving a car.

11. The feedback from customers is important to improve the product.

12. It's important to plan for the future.

13. Protecting the environment is important for future generations.

14. It is important to take breaks when working for a long time.

15. Maintaining good relationships with coworkers is important.

16. It's important to keep your workspace clean and organized.

17. Taking care of your health is important for a long and happy life.

18. Communication is important in all relationships.

19. It's important to appreciate the little things in life.

20. Time management is important for success.

21. It is important to respect others' opinions.

22. Saving money is important for financial stability.

23. It's important to stay positive and optimistic.

24. Education is important for personal development and success.

25. It is important to take care of your mental health.

26. Staying hydrated is important for good health.

27. It's important to be grateful for what you have.

28. Exercise is important for both physical and mental health.

29. It is important to follow the rules and laws.

30. Helping others is important for building a better society.

30 example sentences with important


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