Example Sentences with However | Make Sentences with However

10 example sentences with however

"However" is an adverb that is used to show contrast or introduce an opposing idea. It is often used to connect two clauses or sentences in a way that indicates a contradiction or a different perspective. Here are the 30 examples of however in the middle of a sentence

How To Use However In a Sentence

1. Use a comma after "however" when it is used at the beginning of a sentence. For example: "However, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

2. Use a semicolon before "however" when it is used to connect two independent clauses. For example: "I would love to come to the party; however, I have to work that night."

3. Use "however" in the middle of a sentence to create emphasis on the contrasting idea. For example: "I studied really hard for the test; however, I still didn't do well."

4. Be careful not to overuse "however" in your writing, as it can become repetitive and lose its impact. Consider using other transition words like "although," "yet," or "nevertheless" to add variety to your writing.

Example Sentences with However

1. I like the color; however, the fabric feels cheap.

2. He's a good athlete; however, he needs to work on his technique.

3. I'm not feeling well today; however, I still have to go to work.

4. The book was interesting; however, the ending was disappointing.

5. The movie was entertaining; however, the plot was predictable.

6. The hotel room was clean; however, the bed was uncomfortable.

7. He's a successful businessman; however, he's not happy with his life.

8. I'm tired; however, I can't go to bed yet.

9. The music was loud; however, it wasn't too disruptive.

10. The cake tasted good; however, it was a little dry.

11. I'm happy for you; however, I wish you had told me sooner.

12. The class was challenging; however, I learned a lot.

13. He's very handsome; however, he's not very kind.

14. The apartment is nice; however, it's too small for us.

15. She's a great dancer; however, she lacks confidence.

16. I'm not a morning person; however, I have to wake up early for work.

17. The weather was warm; however, it was too humid.

18. The museum was interesting; however, it was too crowded.

19. I like the design; however, the material is too heavy.

20. The restaurant was busy; however, we were able to get a table.

21. He's a good listener; however, he talks too much.

22. I'm excited about the trip; however, I'm a little nervous too.

23. The dress looked good; however, it was too expensive.

24. The dog was cute; however, it was too energetic.

25. I like the song; however, the lyrics are a bit silly.

26. The project was important; however, we had to postpone it.

27. The food was spicy; however, it wasn't too hot.

28. She's a good friend; however, she can be a bit flaky.

29. I'm happy with the purchase; however, I wish I had gotten a better deal.

30. The conversation was interesting; however, it went on too long.

example sentences with however


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