Example Sentences with Friend | Make Sentences with Friend

10 example sentences with friend

A friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, trust, and support. Friends are individuals who share common interests, values, and experiences, and who provide each other with emotional support, advice, and companionship. 

Example Sentences with Friend

1. She's my friend from work.

2. I made a new friend at the gym.

3. Can I bring a friend to the party?

4. I need to talk to my friend about something important.

5. He's not just my boss, he's also my friend.

6. I'm meeting a friend for lunch later.

7. My friend is really good at playing the guitar.

8. I'm so glad I have you as a friend.

9. My friend is going through a tough time right now.

10. I'm going to stay with my friend for the weekend.

11. I don't have many friends in this city.

12. She's a good friend of my sister's.

13. My friend recommended this restaurant to me.

14. I need to introduce you to my friend, she's hilarious.

15. My friend always knows how to cheer me up.

16. I'm going to surprise my friend by showing up at her door.

17. My friend is a veterinarian, so she knows a lot about animals.

18. I can't believe my friend is moving away.

19. I don't know what I'd do without my friends.

20. I met my best friend in elementary school.

21. I'm going to take my friend to the airport tomorrow.

22. My friend is the one who got me interested in photography.

23. It's important to be a good friend to others.

24. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you.

25. My friend and I are planning a road trip this summer.

26. My friend has a really cute dog.

27. I'm going to surprise my friend by baking her a cake.

28. I need to apologize to my friend for what I said.

29. My friend is always up for trying new things.

30. I don't think my friend and I have ever had an argument.

example sentences with friend


Example Sentences with Help

Example Sentences with Great

Example Sentences With Amazing

Example Sentences with Cute

Sentences With Bad

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