Example Sentences with Fast | Make Sentences with Fast

10 example sentences with fast

Fast means capable of moving at high speed, quick, rapid, speedy, snappy

Example Sentences with Fast

1. He is fast approaching his 50th birthday.

2. The company is experiencing fast growth due to its innovative products.

3. The rocket flew fast into space.

4. I have to fast before the blood test.

5. The horse ran fast and won the race.

6. She was a fast talker, and it was hard to keep up with her.

7. I need a fast response to my email because I have a deadline.

8. The storm was coming fast, and we had to take cover.

9. The city was fast becoming a hub of technology startups.

10. The plane took off fast and reached its cruising altitude in no time.

11. The novel was a fast read, I finished it in one day.

12. She is a fast writer and can finish a report in a few hours.

13. The machine was working fast, and it finished the task in minutes.

14. The fast food industry is a multibillion-dollar business.

15. The track athlete was disqualified for starting too fast.

16. The computer is fast and can handle large amounts of data.

17. The river was running fast, and the current was strong.

18. He is a fast thinker and can come up with creative ideas quickly.

19. She is a fast runner and has won several marathons.

20. The sports car was designed for fast driving on the open road.

21. The guitarist played a fast riff that amazed the audience.

22. The medication works fast to relieve pain.

23. The train is fast, and it takes only two hours to reach the destination.

24. The boxer was too fast for his opponent and won the match easily.

25. The clock was running fast, and we had to adjust it.

26. The fast pace of modern life can be stressful.

27. The gymnast performed a fast and precise routine.

28. The factory produces fast and high-quality products.

29. The motorcycle sped fast down the highway.

30. The fast progress of science and technology is changing the world.

example sentences with fast


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