Example Sentences with Different | Make Sentences Using Different

10 example sentences with different

Different refers to the quality or condition of being not the same, dissimilar or varied. It can describe things, people, ideas, or experiences that are not alike or alike in limited ways.

Example Sentences with Different

1. The two paintings look different.

2. She has a different perspective on life.

3. Their approach to the problem was different.

4. His hair is styled differently today.

5. They live in different parts of the world.

6. The movie had a different ending than the book.

7. The kids have different interests.

8. She dresses differently for work and leisure.

9. Their ideas about the project are different.

10. The new design is different from the original.

11. The two restaurants offer different cuisines.

12. They react differently to stress.

13. Her teaching methods are different from others.

14. They have different opinions on politics.

15. The two stores have different merchandise.

16. He handles the situation differently from his brother.

17. The two countries have different cultures.

18. Their attitudes towards life are different.

19. The two books have different plots.

20. She views things differently after her trip.

21. The different colors of the sky at sunrise and sunset.

22. He has a different idea for the party.

23. Their taste in music is different.

24. The two cities have different vibes.

25. She has a different sense of humor.

26. The two solutions to the problem are different.

27. They have different expectations for the future.

28. The two cars have different features.

29. His approach to the sport is different.

30. Their personalities are different in many ways.

example sentences with different


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