Example Sentences with Children | Make Sentences with Children

10 sentences with children

Children are young human beings who have not yet reached adulthood. Here are the 30 example sentences with word children in it.

Example Sentences with Children

1. The children ate their snacks and played games.

2. Children's laughter is a wonderful sound.

3. The children built a sandcastle on the beach.

4. The children had a great time at the party.

5. The children were excited to see the animals at the zoo.

6. The children drew pictures of their families.

7. The children jumped in puddles after the rain.

8. Children can be very creative.

9. The children hugged their parents goodbye before school.

10. Children need love and support to thrive.

11. The children were well-behaved at the restaurant.

12. It's amazing to watch children grow and learn.

13. The children shared their toys with each other.

14. The children ran around and played tag.

15. Children's books are often full of colorful illustrations.

16. The children were amazed by the magician's tricks.

17. It's important to listen to what children have to say.

18. The children helped each other with their homework.

19. Children are very curious about the world around them.

20. The children practiced their multiplication tables in class.

21. The children took turns going down the slide.

22. Children have a natural sense of wonder and awe.

23. The children learned how to swim at the pool.

24. The children were dressed up in their Halloween costumes.

25. It's wonderful to see children enjoying the outdoors.

26. The children played a game of tag in the yard.

27. Children's artwork is often very imaginative.

28. The children sang songs together at the music class.

29. The children had a blast at the amusement park.

30. The children snuggled up in their blankets for storytime.

example sentences with children


Example Sentences with Help

Example Sentences with Great

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Example Sentences with Cute

Sentences With Bad

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