Example Sentences with Big | Make Sentences with Big

10 example sentences with big

Big means having a large size or extent, larger than others of its kind or larger than normal. It can be used to describe physical size, quantity, or significance.

Example Sentences with Big

1. The ocean has a big impact on the climate.

2. The company has big plans for the future.

3. I have a big crush on her.

4. The big question is still unanswered.

5. The city has a big heart and is full of life.

6. The store has a big sale this weekend.

7. His big personality makes him stand out.

8. I had a big breakfast this morning.

9. The river is too big to swim across.

10. The city has a big history and culture.

11. My big brother is always bossing me around.

12. The company made a big mistake.

13. The TV is too big for the living room.

14. The city has a big park with many attractions.

15. His big smile made everyone feel welcomed.

16. I have a big problem with the proposal.

17. The city has a big cultural scene.

18. His big ideas are making waves in the industry.

19. I have a big family with many cousins.

20. The museum has a big collection of art.

21. His big voice is perfect for singing.

22. I have a big job interview tomorrow.

23. The city has a big sports culture.

24. The company has a big market share.

25. I have a big dream of traveling the world.

26. The ocean has a big impact on the environment.

27. His big talent is playing the guitar.

28. The company has big plans for growth.

29. I have a big responsibility to take care of my parents.

30. The city has a big reputation for being friendly.

example sentences with big


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