30 Example Sentences in Simple Present Tense | Simple Present Tense Examples

10 examples of simple present tense sentences

The Simple Present Tense is a grammatical tense used to describe actions or states that are ongoing or habitually performed. The sentences are constructed using the base form of the verb. It is used to talk about general truths, habits, and routine activities. here are the 30 sentences in simple present tense.

30 Example Sentences in Simple Present Tense

1. They visit their grandparents every weekend.

2. The moon rises in the sky.

3. He writes poetry in his free time.

4. The store closes at 9 PM.

5. She runs marathons every year.

6. I play soccer with my friends on Sundays.

7. They dance at the club every Saturday.

8. The river flows through the city.

9. He teaches at a university.

10. The baby cries when he is hungry.

11. She paints beautiful pictures.

12. I read a book every night before bed.

13. They watch the sunset from the beach.

14. The sun sets in the west.

15. He drives to work every day.

16. The students take notes in class.

17. She exercises regularly.

18. I listen to the radio in the mornings.

19. They volunteer at a local hospital.

20. The wind blows strongly in winter.

21. He cooks delicious meals for his family.

22. The birds fly south for the winter.

23. She drinks tea in the afternoons.

24. I walk my dog in the park.

25. They play video games on their phones.

26. The train reaches its destination on time.

27. He speaks French with his colleagues.

28. The flowers grow in the garden.

29. She sleeps for 8 hours every night.

30. I watch movies with my friends on the weekends.

30 example sentences in simple present tense


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