30 Examples of Simple Sentence | Simple Sentence Example

10 examples of simple sentence

A simple sentence is a grammatical structure that consists of one independent clause and expresses a complete thought. It typically has a subject and a predicate, and it can stand alone as a complete statement. Examples: "I eat breakfast every day." "She walks to work." "The sun rises in the east."

30 Examples of Simple Sentence

1. I watch TV in the evening.

2. The river flows to the sea.

3. He likes to play soccer.

4. She reads books every day.

5. I listen to music on the weekends.

6. The sun sets in the west.

7. He drives to work.

8. They visit their grandparents on Sundays.

9. I take a nap in the afternoon.

10. The birds fly in the sky.

11. She cooks dinner for her family.

12. He studies for his exams.

13. They go to the beach in the summer.

14. I play video games on weekends.

15. The wind blows in the fall.

16. He works as a teacher.

17. She dances in her free time.

18. I drink water throughout the day.

19. The trees turn colors in autumn.

20. He goes to the gym to exercise.

21. They watch movies on Friday nights.

22. I sleep for 8 hours a night.

23. The stars shine brightly at night.

24. He goes to bed early.

25. She takes care of her pets.

26. I have breakfast at 7am.

27. The snow falls in winter.

28. He travels to different countries.

29. They enjoy outdoor activities.

30. I eat lunch at noon.

30 simple sentence examples


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