30 Example Sentences With Complain | Make Sentences with Complain

10 example sentences with complain

Complain is a verb that means to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment about something. For example, someone might complain about a problem they're having, or they might complain about the weather being too hot.

30 Example Sentences With Complain 

1. They complain about the poor customer service.

2. I wouldn't complain if I had a more comfortable bed.

3. She complained about the phone battery.

4. He complains about the high cost of living.

5. I complain about the lack of parking spaces.

6. They complained about the train being late.

7. I wouldn't complain if I had a bigger apartment.

8. She complains about the difficulty of the test.

9. He complains about the bad air quality.

10. I complain about the limited selection of food options.

11. They complain about the high prices at the grocery store.

12. I wouldn't complain if I had more free time.

13. She complained about the slow internet speed.

14. He complains about the long lines at the post office.

15. I complain about the heavy rain making it difficult to drive.

16. They complained about the poor quality of the product.

17. I wouldn't complain if I had more money.

18. She complains about the crowdedness of the city.

19. He complains about the high taxes.

20. I complain about the noise pollution in the city.

21. They complained about the service being slow.

22. I wouldn't complain if I had a better job.

23. She complains about the lack of privacy.

24. He complains about the hot weather during the summer.

25. I complain about the shortage of good movies to watch.

26. They complained about the rude behavior of the employees.

27. I wouldn't complain if I had more friends.

28. She complains about the long wait at the doctor's office.

29. He complains about the poor road conditions.

30. I complain about the high cost of tuition.

30 example sentences with complain


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