30 Either Or Sentences Examples | 30 Examples Of Either Or

10 examples of either or sentences

"Either/Or" is a phrase that presents a choice between two alternatives. It is often used to ask someone to make a decision or to express a preference.

30 Either Or Sentences Examples

1. Either she attends the meeting or she doesn't.

2. Would you like to listen to rock music or classical music?

3. You can either drive or take a taxi.

4. Either he helps with the cooking or he doesn't eat.

5. Would you like to go to the beach or stay in the city?

6. You can either take a nap or go for a walk.

7. Either they pay the bill or they don't get their food.

8. Would you like to have a sandwich or a salad for lunch?

9. You can either come early or come late.

10. Either she studies hard or she doesn't pass her exams.

11. Would you like to watch a sports game or a movie?

12. You can either join the club or not join at all.

13. Either they clean their room or they don't get to go out.

14. Would you like to go to the museum or the art gallery?

15. You can either stay in or go out for the night.

16. Either he helps his friend or he doesn't.

17. Would you like to listen to hip-hop or country music?

18. You can either take the elevator or the stairs.

19. Either they complete their homework or they don't go to the amusement park.

20. Would you like to have a hotdog or a burger for dinner tonight?

21. You can either go to the concert or stay home.

22. Either she attends the class or she misses the important information.

23. Would you like to watch a comedy or a drama movie?

24. You can either ride a bike or walk.

25. Either they finish their chores or they don't get to play video games.

26. Would you like to have ice cream or sorbet for dessert?

27. You can either come with us or go by yourself.

28. Either he participates in the discussion or he stays quiet.

29. Would you like to go to the park or the beach today?

30. You can either wear a coat or bring an umbrella.

30 either or sentences examples


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