30 Compound Sentence Examples | 30 Examples of Compound Sentences

10 examples of compound sentences

What is a compound sentence? A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses, or complete sentences, that are joined together by a conjunction (and, but, or, yet, so, for, nor). Each independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, but by joining them together with a conjunction, the writer creates a more complex sentence structure. 

The independent clauses are connected, must be grammatically complete, and have a subject and a verb. For example: "I went to the store and bought some milk."

30 Compound Sentence Examples

1. I want to go to the museum, and also visit the library.

2. He was unhappy, but tried to hide it.

3. She is a great cook, and also knows how to bake.

4. I need to buy a new shirt, and also want to get some shoes.

5. He was excited, but tried to stay calm.

6. She loves to travel, and also likes to try new foods.

7. I went to the gym, and had a great workout.

8. He was tired, but still went for a run.

9. She loves to dance, and also enjoys playing the guitar.

10. I want to go to the beach, and also go hiking.

11. He was sad, but put on a brave face.

12. She loves to paint, and also likes to draw.

13. I went to the park, but was too crowded.

14. He was worried, but tried to be positive.

15. She loves to go camping, and also likes to go fishing.

16. I need to pay the bills, and also want to do some online shopping.

17. He was happy, but didn't want to show it.

18. She loves to play tennis, and also likes to play soccer.

19. I went to the zoo, and saw some interesting animals.

20. He was angry, but tried to control his temper.

21. She loves to read, and also enjoys writing.

22. I want to go to the theater, and also see a movie.

23. He was nervous, but performed well.

24. She loves to run, and also likes to bike.

25. I went to the store, but forgot my shopping list.

26. He was happy, but didn't want to get too excited.

27. She loves to learn, and also enjoys teaching.

28. I need to take the dog for a walk, and also want to water the plants.

29. He was tired, but pushed himself to keep going.

30. She loves nature, and often goes for walks in the park.

30 compound sentence examples


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30 Past Continuous Tense Sentences

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