30 Both And Sentence Examples | 30 Examples of Both And Sentences

10 examples of both and sentences

Both And is a phrase used to express a positive choice between two alternatives. It indicates that both options are acceptable or desired.

30 Both And Sentence Examples

1. I like both action movies and romantic comedies.

2. Both the mom and the dad are cooking dinner.

3. I want to drink both coffee and tea.

4. Both the city and the countryside have their own unique charm.

5. I like both sports and video games.

6. Both the siblings and the cousins are going to the park.

7. I want to play both basketball and tennis.

8. Both the sun and the rain are forecasted for today.

9. I like both fast food and gourmet cuisine.

10. Both the teacher and the students are preparing for the exam.

11. I want to go to both the park and the museum.

12. Both the red shirt and the blue shirt are on sale.

13. I like both pop music and hip-hop music.

14. Both the uncle and the aunt are taking a nap.

15. I want to take both the bus and the train.

16. Both the car and the bike are options for transportation.

17. I want to attend both the concert and the play.

18. Both the kitchen and the living room need to be cleaned.

19. I like both sweet and sour flavors.

20. Both the beach and the mountains are great for a vacation.

21. I want to run both a 5k and a 10k race.

22. Both the manager and the employees are important for the company.

23. I like both indoor and outdoor activities.

24. Both the student and the teacher are learning from each other.

25. I want to visit both the historic site and the modern art museum.

26. Both the cat and the mouse are curious about the new toy.

27. I like both classic and contemporary literature.

28. Both the young and the old are invited to the event.

29. I want to try both skydiving and bungee jumping.

30. I like both sour candy and sweet candy.

both and sentence examples


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