30 Not Only But Also Example Sentences | Examples of Not Only But Also

10 examples of not only but also

The phrase "not only... but also" is a conjunction that connects two independent clauses and is used to indicate a relationship between two contrasting or contrasting and contrasting ideas. The structure of the phrase is:

Not only [Independent Clause 1], but also [Independent Clause 2].

30 Not Only But Also Example Sentences

1. Not only does she speak English, but also Spanish.

2. Not only was the movie interesting, but also educational.

3. Not only did he run the marathon, but also set a new personal best.

4. Not only is the city beautiful, but also historic.

5. Not only did they save money, but also invested it wisely.

6. Not only do I like reading, but also writing.

7. Not only was the party fun, but also well-organized.

8. Not only did she start her own business, but also made it successful.

9. Not only is the view breathtaking, but also peaceful.

10. Not only did they take a trip, but also made memories that will last a lifetime.

11. Not only does he play sports, but also enjoys watching them.

12. Not only was the concert amazing, but also emotional.

13. Not only did he graduate with honors, but also got a job offer from his dream company.

14. Not only is she a talented artist, but also a great teacher.

15. Not only did they solve the problem, but also prevented it from happening again.

16. Not only do I like spending time outdoors, but also learning about nature.

17. Not only was the lecture informative, but also engaging.

18. Not only did she volunteer at the shelter, but also adopted a pet.

19. Not only is the book fascinating, but also thought-provoking.

20. Not only did they make new friends, but also formed a tight-knit community.

21. Not only does he play video games, but also creates them.

22. Not only was the trip memorable, but also life-changing.

23. Not only did he overcome his fears, but also inspired others to do the same.

24. Not only is she a skilled cook, but also a foodie.

25. Not only did they complete the challenge, but also helped others along the way.

26. Not only do I like listening to music, but also playing instruments.

27. Not only was the wedding beautiful, but also touching.

28. Not only did she follow her passion, but also achieved her goals.

29. Not only is the park spacious, but also has a playground for children.

30. Not only did they achieve their targets, but also exceeded their own expectations.

30 not only but also example sentences


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